Originally from Kingston, Jamaica, Mark Brown migrated to the United States at 18 years old with only $40 in his pocket and a dream for a better life. Today, he has become one of the most popular inspirational speakers in the world. Using a unique blend of hilarious humor and hard-hitting honesty, Mark Brown will both challenge and compel your group to take their performance to the next level.
Each year, 35,000 people enter the Toastmasters International Speech Contest with the dream of becoming the World Champion of Public Speaking. For this special three-part podcast series, World Champions Mark and Darren are joined by guest coach Mike Davis and a live webinar audience as they review the speeches of the top 3 winners in…
We all want a great audience, and most of the time, that’s what we get. However, sometimes we must face a tough crowd…unsmiling, stone-faced, and seemingly disengaged. What do we do? Today Darren talks with Mark about a recent experience with a tough audience. Using lessons they both learned from being in that situation, they…
Your presentation, your message, and your ability to share them are gifts to your audience. This advice comes from global workforce expert, international keynoter, author, and the recipient of Toastmasters International 2022 Golden Gavel Award, Dr. Shirley Davis. Darren and Mark talk with her about finding her gift early in life and becoming unforgettable despite…
The Fripp Presentation Model is the perfect tool for preparing presentations that are well-structured, flow smoothly, and contain all the elements that transform a speech into an experience. Co-hosts Mark and Darren continue to use the model when they prepare new presentations…from keynotes to multiple-day workshops. So, what is it, and what’s the story behind…
For several years, I’ve been talking about pursuing excellence in communication, and that is often interpreted to mean excellence as a speaker or a trainer. That doesn’t surprise me, especially since I’ve been doing significantly more speaker coaching since the pandemic hit in early 2020, and they all want to excel on the platform. However,…
Nobody wants to make mistakes, but we all do…emerging speakers and experienced professionals alike. In this episode, Darren and Mark talk with their mentor, Hall Of Fame Speaker Patricia Fripp, and co-author of their new book DELIVER UNFORGETTABLE PRESENTATIONS. They discuss and expound on some common mistakes, and reveal a few others that presenters fail…
“Speak to TEENAGERS?” To some, that’s normal. To others, it’s SCARY. Today Mark draws from his 20+ years serving the youth market, as he and Darren discussion how to effectively connect with and serve that tricky age group of 11 – 18 years old. What they share will make it a lot less scary and…
You may have more stories than you know, and for years, Darren and Mark have encouraged their students to ‘keep a story file.’ They have upgraded that concept and now encourage presenters to maintain a story FOLDER. In this episode they explain it, and share not only how we should use it, but WHY we…
You may one day be interviewed on television, and you may have only 3-5 minutes to deliver your message. How can you be effective in such a short time? Darren plays clips from one of his recent TV interviews as he and Mark discuss the importance of ‘soundbites’. They also provide tips on how to…
Does your life hold an untold story? Perhaps one you tried before that didn’t work well, so you abandoned it? Maybe you thought it wasn’t powerful enough. Mark and Darren have a discussion on stories that remain inside us…stories that need to be heard. They share how to find them and offer suggestions for resurrecting…
In this follow-up to last week’s episode about preparing to be a panelist, Darren and Mark share how some of the DOs and DON’Ts in Ep 153 have helped them. They served on separate panels in recent weeks, and in the aftermath of their recent panelist appearances, they discuss additional lessons they learned during that…
As a speaking coach, I work with presenters who want to be better immediately…which is understandable. Of course, the most common suggestion for rapid growth is to SPEAK. Often. At every opportunity. As my friend, associate and fellow World Champion of Public Speaking Darren LaCroix says, “STAGE TIME, STAGE TIME, STAGE TIME!” One critical factor…