Ep. 140 – Inside The Brain Of A Bureau with Deia Starr Rank

A relationship with a speaker’s bureau can be just what a speaker needs. But what are the keys to making it a win/win? Bureau agent Deia Starr Rank invites Darren and Mark inside the brain of a bureau, delivering solid advice that goes far beyond bureau basics. She also reveals the tools you need to set yourself up for bureau success and provides specific direction on sizzle reels, program descriptions, and more. Learn how to be an unforgettable bureau favorite.


  • A bureau is like a matchmaker, fitting the best speaker with each client
  • Great marketing tools make for a better bureau relationship
  • A ‘Sizzle Reel’ is critical, but don’t put too much ‘sizzle’ in the reel
  • Change your sizzle reel on average every 4-5 years
  • Provide a current hi-resolution headshot, not one that’s 20 years old
  • Respond to bureau correspondence immediately
  • Stay in contact with your bureau, but don’t be annoying
  • It’s always wise to have a bureau in your ‘egg basket’