Originally from Kingston, Jamaica, Mark Brown migrated to the United States at 18 years old with only $40 in his pocket and a dream for a better life. Today, he has become one of the most popular inspirational speakers in the world. Using a unique blend of hilarious humor and hard-hitting honesty, Mark Brown will both challenge and compel your group to take their performance to the next level.

Handle The Ups And Downs

Almost 20 years ago, our family took a vacation in Anaheim, California. Our children Andrene, Joel and David were then 17, 14, and 6 years old, and being in Anaheim, we HAD to ‘do the amusement park thing.’ As it turns out, my kids’ favorite ride is the ROLLER COASTER. Twists, turns, flips, jolts, jerks,…

The Cutting Room Floor

“My speech is too long, but I really want the audience to hear everything I have to say!” That’s a sentiment that many speakers have expressed…particularly contestants in the Toastmasters International Speech Contest, who MUST adhere to the time limit of [7:30] or face disqualification. Unfortunately, disqualifications have occurred several times at the highest level…

Ep. 64 Lessons from the Master Mentor David Brooks

Imagine: Winning the World Championship of Public Speaking with a timeless message, pioneering unconventional attire & audience response, and mentoring several other finalists and champions, including co-hosts Darren and Mark. Meet David Brooks, hear his journey, glean from his experience, and learn how excellent writing can make your presentation UNFORGETTABLE! If you are a Toastmaster…

Ep. 63 WHY?

Have you clarified your why lately? What drives you to get on stage…or online…and deliver a presentation? We all have our reasons, and they may vary greatly. Today Darren and Mark dive into the ‘NEW WHY’…the deeper motivation behind why we present. They explore how looking beyond technical expertise, eloquence, and the accolades we receive,…