Originally from Kingston, Jamaica, Mark Brown migrated to the United States at 18 years old with only $40 in his pocket and a dream for a better life. Today, he has become one of the most popular inspirational speakers in the world. Using a unique blend of hilarious humor and hard-hitting honesty, Mark Brown will both challenge and compel your group to take their performance to the next level.
Change is constant and as presenters, we must stay relevant. Today Darren and Mark explore ways for us to stay current, stay relevant and become unforgettable. SNIPPETS: • Seek to serve your audience • Update websites, slide decks, and demo videos regularly • Stay aware of industry changes • Be…
What does it take to truly become the speaker everyone loves and a master of your craft? Mark and Darren offer a ‘mathematical formula’ and a process to not only become a master, but to be unforgettable as well. SNIPPETS: • It starts with a decision to master your craft • Commit…
Emerging presenters often wonder, “Should I join the National Speakers Association? Toastmasters? Both?” Darren and Mark ask and answer these questions while sharing the benefits of both organizations. SNIPPETS: • Learn the art and business of speaking • Both organizations are valuable • Toastmasters is a wonderful place to make mistakes …
Jeff Rogers, a fairly new member of the National Speakers Association, is the winner of NSA’s LAST STORY STANDING storytelling competition. He and Mike Davis…one of his coaches…chat with Mark and Darren about his intent, his process, and the lessons he learned on his journey to the first-place trophy. SNIPPETS: • Seek to build…
Rotary Speech Contest, Story SLAM, MOTH, Last Story Standing, World Championship of Public Speaking, and more. Speech competitions abound, and today Darren and Mark are joined by Stage Time University faculty member Mike Davis as they face the question: “Why compete?” Their answers provide the myriad benefits of competing. SNIPPETS: • Get better faster,…
Imagine being asked to deliver new material, on a subject you have never addressed, on short notice, under pressure, three times in 24 hours. Today, Mark and Darren talk with professional speaker and coach Sheree Cain-Jones, who found herself in that situation recently. Her insight from the lessons learned, and the principles she applied along…
We ALL speak with an accent, and at times it’s easy to believe that we must ‘lose’ our accent to be accepted. Today, Mark and Darren have a frank conversation with speech and accent expert Dr. Leslie Gordon, as she gives advice on using your accent as an asset. SNIPPETS: • Honor the skill…
Script writing takes work and the practical, time-saving methods that Darren and Mark discuss today will make the process easier. Listen as they examine how to create your first script, edit with impact, and use your script as a presentation roadmap. SNIPPETS: • You can’t edit what you don’t create • In Microsoft…
Quotations from famous speakers, authors, and celebrities can be very appealing and can support your message. The same can be said of oft-quoted statistics. Today Mark and Darren discuss the importance of accuracy when using quotes and statistics, share a few examples, and provide simple yet effective advice for ‘getting it right.’ SNIPPETS: …
Sometimes, even after your best pitch, the answer is “No.” But that need not be the end of the relationship. Darren and Mark offer some sage wisdom about taking advantage of every ‘no,’ and sometimes turning a “no” into “yes.” SNIPPETS: • No can mean several things • “Not yet, not the right…
In this follow-up to Episode 253 (What Do You Ask An Event Planner) Mark and Darren talk about questions to ask participants ahead of your speaking engagement. This episode will help you to unearth critical material and help you to customize your unforgettable presentation. SNIPPETS: • Discover the organization’s mentors, matriarchs, patriarchs, and legends…
You’ve got the speaking engagement, now what? What can the event planner tell you to help you to deliver an unforgettable presentation? Darren and Mark discuss the pre-event questionnaire and offer insight into how you can set yourself up for presentation success. SNIPPETS: • Prepare an Event Planners Questionnaire • Have a call…