Picture this: All your life you feel awkward, and out of place. You make the commitment to develop your speaking skills. You decide to become an expert communicator. You determine to be an influencer. You are only 10 years old. What? How does those decisions even cross your mind at such a young age? This is but one of the many questions that Hall-Of-Fame speaker and best-selling author Mark Sanborn answers in today’s episode. During a sit-down with Mark and Darren, Sanborn dispenses wisdom born of 30+ years of influencing leaders…and changing minds. A must-listen for anyone who wants to be influential…and UNFORGETTABLE!
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Author: Mark Brown
Originally from Kingston, Jamaica, Mark Brown migrated to the United States at 18 years old with only $40 in his pocket and a dream for a better life. Today, he has become one of the most popular inspirational speakers in the world. Using a unique blend of hilarious humor and hard-hitting honesty, Mark Brown will both challenge and compel your group to take their performance to the next level.