Delivering presentations every week is challenging…no doubt about it. Delivering to the same audience every week magnifies that challenge. How can you be unforgettable in those circumstances? Today Lee Coate provides Mark and Darren with the techniques that help him to consistently communicate unforgettably.



• Communication is more than structure and what’s on the page


• Develop your own voice and style


• Communication is a by-product of an individual’s character


• Don’t be an actor


• Don’t perform…INSPIRE


• Avoid ‘speaking down’ to your audience; speak eye-to-eye with them


• Audiences appreciate it when you delf-depreciate


• Avoid using technology as a crutch


• Let technology accompany, not distract


• Beware of going overboard with props


• Be aware of what resonates with your audience


• Identify speaker whose style matches yours and learn from them



Work with Mark and Darren:


Check Out Stage Time University: