In this unforgettable, Emmy-nominated presentation designed for Junior and Senior High School students, Mark Brown uses the popular Disney film ‘Beauty and the Beast,’ to deliver a powerful message about tolerance, respect and the value of relationships. This program addresses acceptance of differences and the prevalence of “verbal weapons” (words that hurt instead of heal). Using an artful combination of hilarious humor and hard-hitting honesty, Mark poignantly covers the dangers of bullying, cyber-bullying and the importance of tolerance and acceptance among peers. Students will learn:
• The long-lasting effect of ‘harmless name-calling’
• The ‘BIG LIE’ used by students to justify their behavior
• The power within each student to truly change a life!
S.C.R.E.A.M. – How To LOVE Leadership
In this exciting, upbeat presentation designed for Junior & Senior High Schoolers, Mark examines 6 key components for effective youth leadership and living a balanced, exciting life. Included are:
• The value of serving your school and community
• Why it’s GOOD to watch TV and spend time online
• Why the classroom isn’t the only source of education
• The hidden benefits of sports, the arts, jobs & pets!
Drawing from his own experience as a student athlete, Mark presents challenging thoughts on the importance of teamwork, team spirit, and staying the course; key ingredients in creating a championship season. This includes:
• The value of LOSING
• How to cope with disappointment
• The greatest benefit of being on the BENCH