1 Year of Unlimited Laser Coaching
with Mark Brown, CSP, WCPS

What Do You Get?

15-minute coaching sessions, each with a laser focus on one specific topic, technique or step to move you toward your speaking goals.

On Each Zoom, We Will…

  • Discuss your progress
  • Determine what you need to do next
  • Decide and agree on your next action step. (Remember homework? )

After each call I will send a recording and transcript of our session, and your next assignment.

You will schedule your next call ONLY AFTER completing the assignment. This is non-negotiable.


The investment is $6,997 USD for 1 full year.

Is There a Payment Plan?

No, not for this super low investment.

What Does UNLIMITED Really Mean?

Schedule sessions AS NEEDED. After a session, you can complete your assignment and schedule the next call immediately. There’s no limit to number of calls for the year, and no WAITING PERIOD between calls.

What Happens if I Hit a Wall?

Just send me an e-mail and I’ll work with you to get past it.

When Does the Year Begin?

The year begins on the date of our first session.

How to Get Started?

Just click on the blue button below to pay and schedule your first session. Let’s begin your journey to speaking excellence!

Speech Coaching via Zoom by Mark Brown